Thursday, October 22, 2009

Development & Peace 2009-2010

What can we do...
 at St. Francis 
to support the 
& Peace 
"Agrofuels: Good news or a threat?"

This Sunday, Dan our Parish D&P representative will introduce the new efforts and describe what actions can be taken.

(from the Development & Peace website
Agrofuels are being heralded as a solution to our declining oil reserves. To fill the gas tanks of our cars, these new fuels are being manufactured with corn, sugar cane or soybeans.

Development and Peace, however, feels that this advanced technology hides a dark secret. Small-scale farming families in the Global South are seeing their land being used for a single crop and their harvests being sent up the road to countries in the North.

In Africa, Asia and Latin America, we are witnessing a clash between industrial agriculture for export and family agriculture. Development and Peace deplores this trend and is working to counteract it in its new campaign.

Throughout the fall, members of Development and Peace will be publicizing this issue. They will also invite people to sign a postcard to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, asking him to ensure that the heads of state of the world's richest countries give priority to local and family agriculture when the G8 meets in Ontario in June 2010.

if interested in supporting this - see the petition at

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